In the studio, my teachers pushed me to acknowledge my weaknesses and to work on them - to forge them into strengths. It’s obvious that we have been collectively torn open over the past weeks with the deaths of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd. We are a culture severely struggling to come to terms with the reality of this tragic rhythm of senseless violence and racism. We should be and can be better than this.
Now is the time for us to be aware & educated. It’s an opportunity for us to engage with compassion and empathy. We are all capable of contributing in some form to realize our potential strengths - in the global community and as individuals.
Over the next week, I will be painting a series of clouds to honor the memory of George, Ahmaud, Breonna - just to name a few of the many recent victims - and the countless others who face racism on a daily basis. Each 5” x 5” painting will be for sale at $100 (plus shipping cost), and all of the proceeds will be donated to support the Victims, the Protestors, and other Organizations. If you do participate by buying a painting, you can help me choose the destination of your donation (see Black Lives Matter for a full list of options).
I will post images of the cloud paintings - on Instagram (@mtobiashall) & here on my site - as the week unfurls. Please don’t hesitate to message me if you have any questions.
Regardless of your participation, I truly hope that everyone of us will engage in this moment with educated awareness, and compassionate effort.
Black Lives Matter
Black Visions Collective