Just wrapped up the August DRILLS & Long Pose Figure Painting sessions at the Ryder Studio in Santa Fe. Already, the January 2023 Figure Painting Workshop is in motion:
15 days | Monday-Friday, January 2-20 2023
$1250 *Priority Registration Price - Priority Registration Deadline November 1 2022
($1500 Registration after November 1 2022)
The Ryder Studio
1807 2nd St. #31
Santa Fe, NM 87505
Click here for course info & registration (please feel free to contact me if you have questions!)
Two January Workshops
As a lead up to my 2 week figure painting workshop, I will be teaching a one day workshop at Artisan in Santa Fe on January 6:
Study of the Global Light Effect: How we can understand the light, and begin to achieve its effect in our paintings .. In this painting workshop, we'll use perceptual and conceptual strategies to explore the global light effect. Once we have a grasp on how light works, we will apply this understanding of our observations to a painting process called the "poster study" - a portrait of the light. With practice, this method is a great tool for us to become better at mixing colors and to sharpen our overall visual awareness. The day will begin with a demonstration of the "poster study" from a live model. After the demo, students will work from the same model to create poster studies of their own while receiving instructor feedback. Sign up now at https://www.calendar.artisansantafe.com
The aforementioned 2 week Figure Painting (draw if you like!) Intensive at the Ryder Studio in Santa Fe. Click here for more info & registration.
Figure Painting Online with the Teaching Studios of Art
I’ll be teaching an online figure painting workshop with the Teaching Studios of Art in December.
Online Workshop held over two Sundays
12 PM - 2 PM; 3 PM - 6PM EST
A workshop designed for artists of all levels of experience
In this online Figure Painting workshop, participants will study after specific masterworks in order to gain a better grasp of light and form as it pertains to a strategically organized painting practice. Conceptual and technical demonstrations will provide insight, and artists will receive direct feedback on their work. The goal of the workshop is to help artists cultivate a skill set that will make for a more mindful, efficient, and enjoyable painting process.
Five essential concepts will be taught:
1. Gesture and rhythm of the pose
2. Basic proportions and geometry of the figure
3. Blocking-in using anatomy and a specific understanding of light and shadow
4. Modeling form
5. Finishing and refining touches
The sessions and bonus material will be recorded and made available for viewing for up to a month after the event.
$250 - click link for more information & registration
Raven 2021 & Figure Drawing 2016
In person again, at long last...
Though I did run a very low key figure painting workshop at the beginning of the year, I’m happy to offer some more substantial in-person intensives during the coming months:
Drills | May 10-21 | 2 weeks | $800 | Painting & Drawing skill building session
Enrollment deadline: Monday, May 3
Figure Painting | August 2- 20 | 3 weeks* | $1200 | Long pose figure painting
Enrollment deadline: Sunday, Aug 1
*Part time (daily, 1 week & 2 week) options available when registering for the course if you are interested, but can’t commit to all three weeks
Classes will be held at the Ryder Studio here in Santa Fe, New Mexico (Monday - Friday, 9:30am-5pm)
Follow the class links above or http://www.mtobiashall.com/workshops-1 for more info. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.
[Florence (detail) | France 2019]
Figure Painting in Santa Fe, NM | 2020
Excited to announce that I’ll be starting off the new year by teaching a figure painting workshop at the Ryder Studio in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The two week class will run from January 6-17. More information about the class and registration can be found in my Workshops page. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have more questions!